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On Selecting II Shortlisting update: Gordon Dalton writes on the shortlisting process for the 2023 Contemporary British Painting Prize As Leeds buzzed with graduates popping prosecco and snapping selfies, we entered the School of Design to select the exhibiting artists for the CBP Prize exhibition. Fuelled by caffeine and cookies and armed with sharpened pencils,…

Selection process

On Selecting Gordon Dalton gives a few thoughts on selecting the long list for the 2023 Contemporary British Painting Prize I’m writing this having just pressed a big red button marked ‘Finish Judging’ on the CuratorSpace online platform where over 1100 artists submitted their work for the 2023 Contemporary British Painting Prize. Actually the button was more of…

X 10th Anniversary Exhibition catalogue

X 10th Anniversary Exhibition catalogue

X – Contemporary British Painting Catalogue X – Contemporary British Painting is a vibrant, exciting free exhibition of painting, the likes of which has not been staged in the North East in decades. Taking place at Newcastle Contemporary Art and curated by multiple award-winning artist Narbi Price, the exhibition brings together the work of over 80 artists….

Enzo Marra: Artist of the Month

Enzo Marra: Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month May 2023: Enzo Marra, selected and interviewed by Paul Newman for CBP. Enzo Marra’s creative practice is concerned with the direct exploration and pictorial analysis of the disparate concepts that enter his head. CBP: Initial words in response to your recent paintings are; striking, physical and direct. It feels that the imagery is paired…

Ruth Philo: Artist of the Month

Ruth Philo: Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month April 2023: Ruth Philo, selected and interviewed by Paul Newman for CBP. Ruth’s paintings explore abstraction, through colour, light and surface, often emerging from encounters with place and walking. Her work combines elements of internal and external worlds to convey a sensory experience. The scale is often intimate, the surface of the paintings pared…

Donna Mclean

Donna Mclean I’d like to have a strong identity as a painter without committing to one theme so my subject matter is varied.It pleases me to put things together that have no business being together, to create something appealing that has an unsettling undercurrent thats both seductive & disarming.I paint bombs & reduce them to…

Sally Taylor

Sally Taylor My work affirms a desire to understand more about human relationships, specifically my own interaction with others. They are equally about a balance between formal concerns and the communication of emotional resonance. Using found materials enables the superimposition of marks in relation to the personal history of the surface. Materials such as cardboard…

Gavin Maughfling

Gavin Maughfling Starting from an encounter with Francis Bacons’ s ‘Two Figures in the Grass’, Maughfling’s recent works ask if a painting’s viewer can be pulled through the canvas surface, so that they are simultaneously one or more of the protagonists in the scene and are at the same time an observer, looking on from…

Geraldine Swayne

Geraldine Swayne I am a painter and experimental musician. My paintings aren’t deliberately sensationalist, but my work has a filmic atmosphere and dreamlike quality, with uneasy undertones. I work largely from photographs rather than life, choosing images that give me a metaphysical charge, and which are drawn both from my circle of friends and anonymous…

Jesse Leroy Smith

Jesse Leroy Smith Family is a central theme of my work, an ever-evolving set of relationships in which emotion, desire and identity are tangible, fluid and vivid. I collate scrapbooks in which friends, family and heroes montage with film stills, costume and architecture alongside creatures and landscapes from my travels. They include contributions from my…

Roland Hicks

Roland Hicks Roland Hicks makes paradoxical paintings and objects that look like minimal abstract assemblages – apparently slightly crudely stapled together from offcuts of various types of chipboard. Sometimes these pieces also create a simple illusion of a three dimensional geometric solid, or of one form sitting in front of a shadow form behind it….

Kirsty Harris

Kirsty Harris I explore nuclear explosions as cultural, historical and iconic symbols. Referencing the scale, beauty and abhorrent nature of the atom bomb I delve into the periphery of the subject, the myths, characters and surrounding evidence. I works across a wide range of media from vast oil paintings, tapestries, projections and audioscapes to delicate…

Juliette Losq

Juliette Losq Juliette Losq’s paintings depict civilisation dissolving slowly back into nature. Her scenes present the industrial outskirts of urban environments that have been abandoned and gradually find themselves rewilded. In creating her compositions Juliette constructs physical models like miniature theatres or dioramas, with layers of paper suggesting both the accretion of time and the…

Julian Perry

Julian Perry My works explore the good and the bad in man’s complex and often dysfunctional relationship to the landscape. Brownfield sites, nature reserves, caravan parks and allotment sheds have all been subjects for shows. Recent works have looked at rising sea levels as an expression of Climate Change and the wider ecological crisis. My…

Angelina May Davis

Angelina May Davis Angelina May Davis’s paintings are fabrications, plundering imagery from childhood TV and art history. She is interested in thinking about the past and what shapes us, using the transformative act of painting to reflect on history and culture as well as her own sense of belonging. Davis revists the rural English landscape…

Abigail Hampsey

Abigail Hampsey Abigail sees the relationship with the rural landscape around her; full of its folk lore, its peoples and its histories as special… but not unique. In exploring her own environment Abigail seeks to use this as a lens in which to reflect the ongoing loss of British wild spaces, agricultural landscape and the…

Marius von Brasch

Marius von Brasch For a long time, I have been captivated by both the potential and the fact of change, transformation and metamorphosis. The often unpredictable outcomes of such developments – abrupt or gradual, chosen or reinforced – can evoke fear as much as new perceptions of life. At their core, they are intricately linked to…