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Brentwood Stations of The Cross

Brentwood Stations of The Cross

15 contemporary British painters respond to the PassionBrentwood Cathedral: Ash Wednesday to Good Friday 2015 Curated by Simon Carter. Buy a copy of the book Brentwood Stations of the Cross or download a pdf here. 1.  Jesus is condemned to death / David Ainley, 2.  Jesus carries his cross / Freya Purdue, 3.  Jesus falls the first time / Linda Ingham, 4. …

Brentwood Stations of The Cross Catalogue

Brentwood Stations of The Cross Catalogue

A catalogue to accompany the exhibition Brentwood Stations of The Cross curated by Simon Carter. Project devised by Fr. Martin Boland Dean of Brentwood Cathedral. 1.  Jesus is condemned to death / David Ainley, 2.  Jesus carries his cross / Freya Purdue, 3.  Jesus falls the first time / Linda Ingham, 4.  Jesus meets his mother / Gideon Pain, 5.  Simon of…

Documentary Realism Catalogue

Documentary Realism Catalogue

A catalogue to accompany the exhibition Documentary Realism: Painting in the Digital Age curated by Robert Priseman (founder of CBP) and essays by Sophie Cummings and Paul O’Kane. Artists: Nathan Eastwood, Natalie Dowse, Nick Middleton, Alex Hanna, David Sullivan, Katherine Russell, Robert Priseman, Wayne Clough, Barbara Howey, Lee Maelzer and Wendy Saunders. Download the catalogue.

Documentary Realism: Painting in the Digital Age

Documentary Realism: Painting in the Digital Age

2nd – 31st March 2015St Marylebone Crypt, 17 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5LT Curated by Robert Priseman (founder of CBP) this new exhibition explores how contemporary artists are utilising painting traditions of the past to ask challenging questions about the social realities of the 21st century. Artists: Nathan Eastwood, Natalie Dowse, Nick Middleton, Alex Hanna,…

Contemporary British Painting

Contemporary British Painting

A new Contemporary British Painting group show featuring the work of 42 artists.Monday 8th December 2014 – Thursday 1st January 2015 Painting by Julian Brown Artists: Edwin Aitken, Amanda Ansell, Claudia Boase, Jon Braley, Julian Brown, Simon Burton, Andrew Crane, Pen Dalton, Lisa Denyer, Annabel Dover, Nathan Eastwood, Wendy Elia, Christopher Gee, Chris Gilvan-Cartright, Terry…

Depth of Field

Depth of Field

By David Page In this short article David Page looks at and into the picture space, considering the depth behind, in and before the surface of the painting… Introduction What we used to call Modern Art has set itself a number of problems. Perhaps ‘problems’ is also a misnomer, because they do not entail absolute…



A major survey show of painters from across the UKIpswich Museums and Galleries: 1st November 2014 – March 2015 Curated by Simon carter this new show features work by over 40 painters from across the UK who are practicing the art of painting in Britain today.  Ipswich Museums and Galleries – Art School Gallery Buy…

Susan Gunn in conversation with Katherine Russell

Susan Gunn in conversation with Katherine Russell

Katherine Russell: What led you initially to working with these ancient/traditional processes? Susan Gunn: During my foundation year at Norwich University of the Arts I was interested in historic methods and traditional ways of working. I began experimenting, working from recipes and formulas from the Ralph Mayer Artists Handbook,[i] the purported Artists Bible. I had…

Katherine Russell in conversation with Marguerite Horner

Katherine Russell in conversation with Marguerite Horner

Marguerite Horner: Right, how do you start a painting Katherine? Katherine Russell: Basically I have a lot of different source material that I gather, so I have loads of photographic material, piles and piles of it and I tend to work thematically. So, at the moment I am looking at ‘Filmic’ and so I have…

The Lido in the Forest

The Lido in the Forest

Judith Tucker considers ‘postmemorial’ affects and the triangular relationship between language, memory and painting in this illustrated article originally published in ‘Interdisciplinary Essays’ (Rodopi Press, Amsterdam NY 20100). Judith Tucker considers ‘postmemorial’ affects and the triangular relationship between language, memory and painting in this illustrated article originally published as: Tucker J. ‘The Lido in the Forest: Painting,…

Simon Carter in conversation with Nicholas Middleton

Simon Carter in conversation with Nicholas Middleton

Nicholas Middleton: When I was looking at your work earlier today in preparation, it seemed to me that all your work is dedicated to landscape and I wondered if you had any thoughts on what landscape actually means in the contemporary world, if that’s not too big a question? Simon Carter: That’s a really interesting…

Teachers’ Resource: Becoming Picasso

Teachers’ Resource: Becoming Picasso

Matthew Krishanu reflects on three approaches to painting figuratively: from life; from photographs; and from memory / imagination in the essay ‘Painting the Figure – a Contemporary Practice Perspective’ as part of a new publication by the Courtauld for their current Picasso show ‘Becoming Picasso, Paris 1901’. Heres’ the downloadable pdf resource (file size approximately 3Mb).