CBP Prize 2024 long list

Congratulations to the long listed artists Damaris Athene | Simon Averill | Ruth Bateman | Daniel H Bell | Frea Buckler | Waffle Burger | Kate Burling | Eric Butcher | John Clark | Philip Cole | Matthew Collings | … Read More

Natalie Dowse: Artist of the Month – July 2024

Artist of the Month July 2024: Natalie Dowse, selected and interviewed by Paul Newman for CBP. For July’s artist of the month Natalie Dowse discusses her Mise en scène series. Mise en scène brings together a number of series based on cinematic tropes: … Read More


SLOW PAINTING Surface Tension at Plough ArtsCultural Landscapes at Studio KIND SLOW PAINTING is a dual-sited exhibition hosted by The Plough Arts Centre and Studio KIND featuring works by Contemporary British Painting members and guests. The exhibition includes a tribute … Read More

Lisa Ivory

Lisa Ivory Lisa Ivory’s landscapes are commonly occupied by a Wildman, who occasionally interacts with a female human figure. There is a Rake’s Progress of sorts, with a skeletal Death figure interrupting the discourse between these characters. The Beast attempts … Read More

Benjamin Deakin

Benjamin Deakin My recent body of work is largely represented by paintings of modest interiors looking out at Himalayan mountains-capes. These works continue my enduring interest in landscape and mountains as subjects in art but which increasingly use windows and … Read More

Apply 2024

The Contemporary British Painting Prize 2024 First Prize £8000 + moreHighly Commended Award £2000Blyth Gallery Exhibition Award£400 exhibitor’s fee for all shortlisted artistsThree exhibitionsTwo full-colour catalogues NEW: The Judith Tucker Memorial Prizein association with Contemporary British Painting Entry is now … Read More

Graham Crowley

Graham Crowley I paint shadows. I’m intrigued by luminosity in painting. This is the driving force behind LIGHT INDUSTRY*. I’ve always been fascinated by those of Manet. The way in which the image and the painting (as its own object) … Read More

Lara Davies

Lara Davies Lara’s paintings are a direct response to the environment she inhabits. Her paintings act as photograms, absorbing the life around her, be it the communal existence of her shared house in London, or the wilderness of the Highlands … Read More

Angelina May Davis: Artist of the Month

Artist of the Month May 2024: Angelina May Davis, selected and interviewed by Paul Newman for CBP. Angelina May Davis’s paintings are fabrications, plundering imagery from childhood TV and art his-tory. She is interested in thinking about the past and what shapes us, … Read More

2023 Contemporary British Painting Prize

“The work of a painter is a solitary procedure. It is a privilege to have been allowed this insight into the work and compulsions of so many dedicated artists practicing over the breadth of the country.” Susan Gunn, joint CBP … Read More

Amanda Ansell – Accounts

A painter based in Suffolk, Amanda maintains and reconciles our CBP accounts, managing budgets and sales, working closely with our Treasurer, Marius, to support the Committee. Amanda is a former committee member.

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